How To Pre-Game Your Workouts

How To Pre-Game Your Workouts

Written By Laird Hamilton Credit: Photograph by Peter Bohler Making time for a workout can be a challenge for all of us, and because the amount of time we can dedicate is usually short, it’s tempting to dive right into that day’s lifts, sprints, or...
Laird Hamilton’s Primal Workout

Laird Hamilton’s Primal Workout

Written By Laird Hamilton for Credit: Photograph by Peter Bohler Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply focusing on everyday actions — pushing, pulling, squatting, bending, lunging, and rotating — is a time-tested way to get in great...
Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece on the Tim Ferris Podcast

Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece on the Tim Ferris Podcast

Laird Hamilton on the Tim Ferriss Show2 Sneak Preview Listen to the Podcast on iTunes. “There are no new ideas, just new applications of old ideas.” – Laird Hamilton Laird Hamilton (@LairdLife) is widely considered the greatest big wave surfer of all-time. He is...