Originally Posted on MensJournal.com What’s the one fuel at your immediate disposal during a long or grueling workout? Oxygen. It’s obvious; still, most of us think of breathing only when we’re sucking wind. That’s a mistake, because boosting...
Written By Laird Hamilton Credit: Photograph by Peter Bohler Making time for a workout can be a challenge for all of us, and because the amount of time we can dedicate is usually short, it’s tempting to dive right into that day’s lifts, sprints, or...
Written By Laird Hamilton for MensJournal.com Credit: Photograph by Peter Bohler Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply focusing on everyday actions — pushing, pulling, squatting, bending, lunging, and rotating — is a time-tested way to get in great...
Written By Laird Hamilton for MensJournal.com Credit: Photograph by Peter Bohler For most people, working out means an hour at the gym, a tough cycling class, a five-mile run. So it’s no wonder we find it hard to exercise every day. But you can get a good...
MensJournal.com Credit: Courtesy Gabrielle Reece You won’t find a better place to get your heart rate up and strengthen your entire body than the beach. Compared with the pounding that exercising on blacktop, trails, or even grass delivers to your joints, the...
Written By Laird Hamilton for MensJournal.com Credit: Photograph by Peter Bohler It’s tempting to focus on numbers when you work out. How many consecutive pushups did you do? How much weight was on that bar? But simply upping the numbers won’t get you...